
EZ-Dental Amalgam Disposal

Stop paying for expensive mail back recycling kits for your amalgam waste materials! Your amalgam separator filter comes with a recycling kit, but what about the rest of your amalgam waste? These kits typically do nothing to address the problem of what to do with the rest of your vac-u-traps, operatory traps and capsules.

BioServ’s Comprehensive Amalgam Disposal Program:

  • Single-stream waste management allows you to manage all types of amalgam waste with one easy method.
  • “As needed” service (with no minimum service frequency) saves you money, since you only pay for the waste you dispose of, when you dispose of it.
  • Complies with all state and federal regulations on dental amalgam waste.
  • No mail back packing and shipping requirements for your staff. Our technicians will pack, label and remove your waste for you, eliminating the need for DOT HAZMAT staff training.

How Our Amalgam Disposal Program Works

We will provide you with a 5-gallon hazardous waste container in which you can collect any amalgam waste you generate. When the container fills, give us a call and we will dispose of it and leave you with a replacement. We provide cradle-to-grave environmental stewardship and provide DEP-required tracking documentation for your records.

This program pays for itself. How? When you dispose of your filters, you save around $150 over mail-in services. In addition to these savings, you will have a means of disposing of all your other amalgam waste, which mail-in services don’t provide.

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